So I've been away for a while now. Last week was our spring break (yeah, we had a week off a couple of weeks ago too. Yeah, I went to Guatemala that week with a group of Christian medical students. Yeah, it was great), and I went home to see family for the first part of the week. Once back in Columbia however, I was living it up and not studying at all.
I had brought back my hunting rifle from home, so me and my friend Ben went out to Finger Lakes park to shoot. He had a stake target with spinning ping targets. It was made of ~ 1/2" steel plates. He pinged it several times with his Sig Sauer 9 mm. Unfortunately for Ben, my .308 can shoot right through 1/2" steel. Unfortunately I didn't know that before I shot a hole in his brand new target.
The rest of the week was spent going running, playing basketball, making amazing homemade pizza, and building a headboard. I built this with my friend Aaron's help. Now, I've got a sweet headboard where before was plain white wall. Quite an improvement if I say so myself. Unfortunately, I haven't started much studying since then.