Last weekend I was able to attend the Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. The conference is on Christian missions-field medical and health care work, both nationally and internationally (although international medical missions is overwhelmingly represented). I attended the conference with one other person, Halley, a nursing student I am friends with who heard of the conference through the Nursing Christian Fellowship group. We left town together on Thursday night last week to be able to attend the whole day's sessions on Friday. Being a six-and-a-half hour drive from Columbia (seven and a half when factoring in the time I drove in the wrong direction), we arrived in Louisville at 3 a.m. central time. Louisville unfortunately is on eastern time. After a two hour nap on Friday morning I awoke shortly after six to get over to the conference. The church that it is held at is so big you could fit my entire hometown's population inside the building (West Plains...
Excerpts of a rural hospitalist's thoughts and experiences